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I really like this ball game because I always love to watch the balls moving but also the soundtracks and songs, but what if I want to download all the soundtracks and in which site can I download the soundtracks?

Glad you like it. The music in the game was made by Andrey Sitkov. I bought a license from I'm not sure if it's still available there or if they posted the songs somewhere else. You can check out their YouTube or SoundCloud page.

Thank you so much!

how to add a marble? :< can you fix anything about that

There is a green button with a plus sign, it should show the marbles you have unlocked or created in the editor. Select a category and add the marbles you want.

Love this game! I have one question. When I open the game, how can I make it so the sides are pure black and the taskbar isn't overlaying over the game? If you don't understand, basically what I mean is like in videos of this game the sides are black but for me it just shows my desktop.

Glad you like it. I'll add a button to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode, hopefully in a few days. I'll let you know when I post it :)


Done, it should now open in fullscreen by default. I added a button to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode, and also a button to quit the app.

Hey there I'm on windows but when I try to upload a custom .png the marble stays white >: Any ideas how to fix that?

Hmm never happened to me, does it happen with all .png images? also, have you tried other image formats?

Wanna buy Mac version. Is there easy way to create own marble racers? I mean photo upload. Thanks

Oh my bad, I haven't exported the latest update on Mac yet. I'll try to upload it in the next few days and let you know. Btw, I think the iOS version is compatible with Mac (Apple M1 chip or later), in case you wanna check.

Done. Mac version now has the image uploader.


can you upload your own image on the marble? like if i searched up a picture of mrbeast and downloaded that image would i be able to upload it on the marble?


Yes you can, there's a file uploader (folder button) in the marble editor. Let me know if you need help finding the image path.


I like your bundle, i would like to  record the simulation. Is it possible to hide the pause/menu buttons somehow? I know it is a mobile port but now the buttons are very huge and distracting on PC. 

Glad you like it, thank you very much for purchasing all my apps. I'm not sure what buttons you're referring to. The round ones in the corner can be hidden with the black (eye) button. But if you mean the rectangular buttons, I don't understand how they distract you, maybe there's a bug. Please send me an email to with more details and maybe a screenshot, and I'll try to fix or add what you need :)

is there a way to make it fullscreen? just bought the game and I kinda don't like the phone aspect ratio.

Thanks for your support. This is a port from the mobile app, which was intended to be in portrait mode, so I kept everything the same. I could make the game match any resolution but it would take some time to fix the UI placement and animations.

is there a way to make the texts of marbles smaller? or edit the game resolution 

Hmm I didn't think text size would be an issue, so there's no option to change this. Texts change size depending on the camera zoom, but they could make it difficult to see the race if there are too many. You can resize the game window but this won't make much difference. Maybe send me an email to and I could make a custom build for you.

i sent an email to you

I ran a race and the marble glitched off the track - then my next race that marble jumped back in at a random spot (when that marble shouldnt have even been in the race) haha, any suggestions? would closing and reopening the program clear the cache?

Hmm that's a rare bug, I think someone else reported it but I couldn't reproduce it. I hope it's fixed by reopening the app and that it doesn't happen too often :/


great stuff, but again some marbles and tracks apearec to be locked, how to unlock them?

Oh, you can do the same thing I told you for WMR, but in this case, the path is "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Simple Marble Race", then open "settings.cfg" and change "coins" value to the amount you want :)

How would i do this on mac

Try this path: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/Simple Marble Race

It worked, you rock.